Everybody’s eyes are on Facebook! Mr. Zuckerberg did an excellent job inventing the aforementioned social platform.
Two billion people across the world use it on a daily basis, connecting with each other and sharing flattery pics of themselves. Hate it or love it, it is huge and it’s not all about posting how you feel today or showing off amazing pics of the exotic location you visited while everybody else was stuck in the office. It’s also about ADVERTISING.
Actually, about the amazing advertising abilities, Facebook offers to businesses worldwide. It is cheaper than classical marketing methods, less annoying than door knocking. But it takes skill to rock Facebook Ads and generate high-quality roofing leads.
Main Task
This case study will focus on the FACEBOOK ADS HAIL FUNNEL which has been proven to work for the roofing hail market. When the hail strikes, roofs in the area hit by the hail get damaged. These are unfortunate times for homeowners but happy times for roofers whose services are highly sought for after the stormy weather has attacked innocent people’s roofs.
Using Roofing Facebook Ads to reach homeowners struck by hail is the fastest, cheapest and the most effective way to get quality leads. Since everybody is on Facebook, by promoting your roofing service on Facebook when the storm hits, you’ll be way faster than storm chasers going from door to door and offering their roofing service in an old-fashioned way.
Keep on reading the CASE STUDY to see what we did for our client and how we got him 40 roofing leads for a $10 a pop with the average conversion rate of 30%.

THE CHALLENGE: Facebook Ads Hail Funnel KPIs
Our roofing facebook ads client reached to us in the right moment – when the hail was expected to mess up the roofs. He told us which locations to target, we determined the KPI’s and then started to build the Facebook funnel.
No digital marketing mission should be initiated without determining the KPI’s. Here are some of the goals we set before starting to run Roofing Facebook ads campaign.
- Get high quality roofing leads for a low CPL
- CPL (Cost per Lead) between $10 to $30
- CTR from 1% to 5%
- CPC $4 in the first Facebook funnel phase and lowering it to $1 in the final Facebook Ads funnel stage
- Target Homeowners in the area that got hit by a hail
After making an agreement about our KPIs, we grabbed a cup of coffee and then busily started to build the Roofing Facebook Hail Funnel. Bet you’re eager to find out more how we approached to the lead hunt mission through Facebook platform.

FIRST STEP → Setting Up The TRAFFIC & PPE Campaign Simultaneously
We set up two campaigns with different goals (traffic/ engagement) at the same time.
We targeted homeowners who live that client’s Business area (15+ miles radius) since this is also the area in which our client operates. Notice that you won’t find some targeting options on Facebook anymore. Before August 15th, Facebook had so called partner categories.
When those were deleted, you could no longer target people who are homeowners, first time homebuyers just by selecting those demographic features among many targeting options. Those days are long gone. All is not lost sand you can target homeowners indirectly by selecting targeting options such as home improvement, home repair…basically their interests. Keep in mind that people younger than 30 are not homeowners so choose age of your target group according to that.
Then we created a survey using Gohighlevel. Use questions such as have you been struck by a hail, what type of roof do you have, how old is your roof…and only after you have warmed up your target, ask them to leave their personal data (first name, email, phone number).
In the Facebook Ad copy, call out your target (example: Attention [INSERT CITY NAME OF CLIENT] Homeowners!) and offer them help if they have been struck by a hellish hail, high winds, stormy weather.
You can offer them a FREE roof inspection. That’s a good starting point for an upsell!
Include a link leading to a survey you created. Use a “Learn More” CTA and let your traffic campaign also redirect people to the survey which will basically serve as your landing page through which you collect the leads.
Don’t forget to integrate a tracking code (Facebook Pixel) into the survey. Use special event to make the difference between those people who only landed on your page (survey) but aren’t leads (didn’t come all the way to the thank you page). Integrate the Initiate Checkout event into the first survey page and Lead event to the Thank you page. This is a quite important step in our Facebook Ads hail funnel journey so if you try this at home, don’t forget about the PIXEL.
Use the same post (with the same ID) in both traffic and engagement campaign, monitor them like they are your newborn children and when you notice that you have reached at least 100 Landing Page Views, jump to the second funnel phase. It’s like in a Super Mario game. Although you’ll get the leads already in the first stage of Facebook funnel, continue to the higher level to get even more quality leads!
In the first stage we got 11 Roofing leads for a cost of $28 per lead. Quite good considering the lead value in the roofing business and that we were only warming up ourselves!

We created a custom audience based on the initiate checkouts from the first phase, then a lookalike audience which was the audience used for the conversion campaign. We set up the conversion campaign using the Initiate checkout event and the same Ad copy and visual as in the first step. When we reached another 100 Initiate Checkouts, we jumped to the third phase.

We also ran a Conversion campaign using the Lead event. We got 50 quality roofing leads and 20 of them were closed by our client. What were the results?
RESULTS: Let’s Do The Math!
When we came to the end of our Roofing Facebook ads funnel, we got 50 quality roofing leads for average $30 cost per lead. The conversion rate was 40% which means our roofing client got 20 people who were willing to pay for his services. When we deduct all the expenses (also the ad spend which was $650), we get the exact amount of return of investment which is $120K! That’s quite a good ROI, wouldn’t you agree?
Roofing Facebook Ads work! They are a mighty digital marketing tool for getting leads. All you need is some fairy dust and a top-notch agency in which you place your trust!
Combining Facebook Marketing Efforts, We Managed To Achieve
Roofing Leads For The Cost of $650
A Great Conversion Rate For The Hail Roofing Market
If You Want to Know More, Just Schedule a FREE STRATEGY SESSION With Us!