Facebook Posts: How to Schedule Them Ahead of Time

Like all small business owners, you’re busy.

Which means, finding the time to do Facebook Posts can often fall by the wayside.

And specific Facebook posts isn’t exactly the best way to go, especially when you’re trying to promote your business and connect with your fans.

But here’s some good news…

You can schedule Facebook posts ahead of time, right from your Facebook Page. Just find a chunk of time when you can create a few posts at once and schedule multiple posts in one go. No more forgetting!

Here’s how you do it:

Step 1: Create a new Facebook post

On the Publishing Tools page of your Facebook Business Page, create a new FB Post. Write your post, just as you normally would. Include an image, link, and any relevant hashtags.

facebook posts

Step 2: Select the schedule button

Once your post is complete, click the drop-down under “Share Now” and select “Schedule.”

facebook posts scheduling

Step 3: Choose a publishing time

Enter the time and day you would like your posts to publish. Your time must be at least 10 minutes in advance and no more than 75 days in the future. You can also choose a time when you want your Facebook posts to stop showing in News Feed.

What do you think of scheduling Your Facebook Posts?

For many social media managers, social media scheduling tools are a lifesaver. These tools help them improve their social media performance and save them time (and their evenings and weekends).

If you have always been going to Facebook to publish your posts, scheduling your posts might sound like an unusual recommendation. If you have any thoughts or concerns about scheduling your Facebook posts, I would love to hear and discuss them with you in the comments section below.

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