How to Generate Medspa Patient from Fb Advertising

You need traffic.
You want more clients.
You want more exposure.
You want more revenue.

Sure you can invest time and energy attempting to get on the first page of Google. You can optimize your new website. You can write blog articles that your visitors and followers love. You can do all the things that guarantee you long-term success online.
But what if you need online traffic NOW?

I can tell you all the ways something like a strong social media following or a huge email list can help your business generate traffic but the reality is if you need immediate traffic pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is the solution.

Now that the number of users on Facebook has surpassed billions its advertising tools have become essential for many marketers.
Ads published to Facebook’s ad network have the potential to reach thousands of active users every day. As of writing this, there are over 5 million advertisers cashing in on Facebook’s ad platform to reach their target customers.

In this article, I’ll give you an overview of Facebook advertising and show you how it can benefit your medical spa business.

advertising for aesthetic clinic

What Makes Facebook Advertising so Effective?

If you’ve been an active user of Facebook you’ve likely seen your fair share of Facebook Ads. Most of which I’m guessing, have been catered towards areas of your own personal interest.

What makes Facebook’s advertising platform different from others is its ability to target users by their interests and preferences.

Every single user on Facebook is constantly being tracked (whether they like it or not). Every video you click, every status and page you like, is being fed into Facebook’s profile on you. Facebook knows what you like, what you hate, what you’re willing to watch and what you ignore.

By knowing all of this Facebook acts like an expert profiler that serves advertising it believes you’ll be interested in. Do you follow all the best makeup and fashion pages? Perhaps you’ll be interested in this ad for Sephora’s latest line of YSL lipstick…

You get the point. Facebook features robust targeting tools that allow advertisers and marketers to pinpoint their consumers based on interests, competitor affiliations, demographics, and much more.

Add the option to advertise to Instagram’s millions of users plus rich media like video, and it’s no wonder why Facebook’s ad platform has grown as much as it has.

Compared to other ad networks like Google AdWords for example, Facebook ads can be thought of a much better platform for exposure. Because of Facebook’s sheer number of users and targeting, ads are shown at a much higher rate and at comparably less cost in most cases.

As I’ll explain later advertisers have the ability to pay only when people click on their ads which allows their budget to be stretched much further.

Now that I’ve explained what makes Facebook advertising so effective, let’s move onto creating and publishing a Facebook campaign.

How to Create a Facebook Ad Campaign

Step 1 :

Here’s where you’ll be spending the majority of your time, the Facebook Ad Manager platform.

  • Awareness. Get your ad in front of as much of your target audience as possible.
  • Consideration. Make those who are already aware of your business take action and invest a little more.
  • Conversion. Make those who are already considering a purchase convert now.
The campaign objective that you choose will depend on the goal you want to accomplish.

In our case, we’d like to generate awareness for our new aesthetic practice. We’ll choose “Reach people near your business” to drive awareness for the people near our practice’s location.

Step 2 :

Now we’ll choose the audience we’d like to target.

For our practice, we’d only like our ads to show to those in our immediate area. In this case, I’ll select a 3-mile radius that encompasses Philadelphia’s downtown core.

Because this is a cosmetic practice I’ll assume my audience is at least 25 years old and at most 55. Remember the more you know about your target audience, the easier it will be for Facebook to find them.

Step 3:

Next, we’ll have to decide on where we want our ads to be placed.

  • Facebook. Choose to have your ads shown in the Facebook News Feed, the right column, or both.
  • Instagram. Everyone’s favorite mobile photo-sharing app.
  • Audience Network. Facebook partner companies.
  • Messenger. On Facebook’s popular messaging app.
In the advanced options below you can choose to ignore mobile devices or specific operating systems in case your website has compatibility issues. It’s important to know that more than 50% of all web browsing is done from a mobile device. If your website isn’t mobile friendly it’s something to consider changing in the near future.

For our med spa practice, I’ll stick to only advertising on Facebook because I’m not confident that an Instagram user will be interested in aesthetic services since the average age there is a bit lower. Keep in mind that this would definitely be something I’d test in the future.
Lastly, we’ll enter into our daily budget or lifetime budget. If you want to run your ads indefinitely then choose daily. If you have a set timeline choose lifetime budget. Same goes for choosing a schedule.

Since we’re only trying to build awareness, I’ll choose to spend $12 a day indefinitely.

Your budget will ideally come down to your customer acquisition costs. How much a new client is worth to you. According to our inputs, our ad should reach approximately 1200-4500 people every day.

Below the budget and scheduling options, you’ll have options for setting an ad schedule if you set a lifetime budget. Click “More Options.” This will allow you to have your ads run only at specified hours of the day. I doubt anyone will be interested in exploring cosmetic options at 4 am so I can choose to eliminate that timeframe from the schedule.

Step 4:

At this point, we’re ready to create our ads. Hopefully, by this point, you’ve already decided what type of advertisement you’d like to run.
We have multiple choices each with different features:
  • A single image.
  • A carousel of images.
  • A video.
  • A video slideshow.
  • A collection
Since I haven’t produced a promotional video (yet), let’s select a single image. As you gain more experience with Facebook ads you’ll be able to come back and test out different ad formats.

Next, we can upload our own images or choose from Facebook’s selection of free stock images. It’s always recommended to use your own custom images. They’ll represent your brand better than generic stock photos plus give a viewer more insight into what your business actually looks like. Of course, not everyone has the budget to have custom photography done, in that case, it’s fine to use the free stock images.

In terms of copy, it’s best to keep it as short and tight as possible. Above anything, focus on the benefit you’re providing and make sure the text reflects the image you’ve chosen.

Next, enter the destination URL you’re sending your potential customers to. Pick your call-to-action (CTA) that is inline with the goal of your ad. In our case, we want to send people into our practice so I’ve chosen “Get Directions”. They’ll be sent to our website where they can find our contact info and contact us.

There are several alternative CTA choices, choose the one that most responds to your goal.

After I’ve selected my photo, entered my text, chosen my CTA I’m ready to see my creation.


After your campaign is live you’ll be able to access a full analytics dashboard to review the data.

Click on your campaign and head to your campaign dashboard. If you’d like to make changes to your ads click on the ad set then click on the ad you’d like to modify.

At the most basic level you can see how many people your ads are reaching, the cost per view/click, your remaining budget, and the total amount you’ve spent. There are filters in the upper right corner that allow you to change date ranges.

The blue and green graph shows your overall performance over time, along with the demographics you’re reaching and the placements that are performing best.

The data you’re receiving can give you insight into the possible optimizations you can make to improve the performance of your ads. If your placements data, for example, shows that mobile users are not responding you can then eliminate your mobile ads. If a specific age group is performing better than others you can adjust the targeting to focus more on them.

Remember to give your analytics a review every once in awhile and adjust your ads accordingly. If you’d like to see an improved performance over time you must pay close attention to how your audience is receiving your ads.

Wrapping Up

The Facebook Ad platform isn’t one that can be mastered in a week or two (clearly). It’s taken many marketers years to learn how to maximize their time and returns. The only way to improve is to experiment and practice.

  • Testing alternative copy and images.
  • Testing new CTAs.
  • Testing different ad formats, like slideshows and videos.
  • Adjusting your targeting. Reaching different audiences with new ads.
  • Experimenting with different ad objectives.
Experiment, practice, and explore as best you can and you’ll start generating traffic that leads to new customers and opportunities in no time.

My name is Ankita Mankotia and I’m the co-founder of, a digital consulting and white label company that loves helping aesthetic physicians and cosmetic clinics thrive in the online world by creating results-based digital marketing systems that provide a measurable ROI on their marketing efforts.