White Label Fb Ads Services You can Trust

Looking for white-label fb ads services? You’re in the right place.

Facebook Ads as a service can be incredibly lucrative and “sticky”.

If Zuck didn’t own Facebook, I bet he’d be running an agency that sells Facebook ads and still making bank—with a lot less government scrutiny and fewer headaches, too.

You're in the right place if...

✓ You want to offer Facebook Ads but don’t have time to do the work yourself

✓ You don’t want to hire full-time Facebook managers internally

✓ You’ve tried Facebook freelancers and the quality isn’t up to your standards

✓ You don’t want to risk your brand outsourcing to India or the Philippians 

Sound about right? Gnarly. We’re going to cover which white-label Facebook Ads management providers are best, tip and tricks for maximizing value, and more.

Still hungry for info about white-label fb ads services? Keep scrolling—just don’t forget to circle back and snag the discount before taking off

white label fb ads services

What is white-label Fb Ads services?

White-label fb Ads services is when a third-party fulfills your Facebook Ads services under your brand. Essentially, you get to stay focused on selling while someone else executes the actual work on behalf of your company.

Every provider is different, but as far as process goes, the standard workflow is something like the following. First, you indicate your client’s goals, target audience, and creative brief. From there, the white-label provider will do the required “digital plumbing” (think profile creation, pixel set-up and testing, campaign structuring, etc.) and then launch. The provider will then optimize and provide reporting as long as they’re engaged or until the campaign ends.

white label services

Which white-label Facebook Ads services should you offer?

It’s smart to establish a base package—for example, one social post per week—and then tack on a variety of add-ons that you can upsell.

Ideas of add-ons and pricing include:

→ Social Page Build. For clients without Facebook or Instagram business accounts, offer to set up their social profiles. Include professional page setup with logo, and, if applicable, company images, hours of operation, and business profile.

→ Additional Posts. Multiple posts per week on social networks of a client’s choice.

→ Extended Reach. Cross-post all social posts to other social networks of your client’s choice, including Instagram, Google Business Profile, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

→ Facebook Post Boosting. Boost organic posts on Facebook with ad spend. Allocate a certain amount per boost, say $30, and then activate this add-on multiple times for however many posts the client wants to boost.

→ Content & Strategy Session. Sell monthly calls with yourself or your marketing strategy team to review post performance, content ideas, and best practices for social media.

→ Custom Images. Offer custom images to drive more engagement. Examples include adding your clients’ logos, captions, shapes, and branded color filters to images.

→ Video & motion graphics work. For premium price points, offer white-label video creation or design services for motion graphics and GIFs.

→ Facebook Page promotion. Attract new customers to your client’s Facebook page. $30/month allocated. Can be multi-activated.

What delivery models exist with white-label Facebook Ads management?

When it comes to delivery models for white-label fb Ads services, there are three main types: Do It Yourself (DIY), Do It For Me (DIFM), and Do It With Me (DIWM).

→ Do It Yourself (DIY): DIY is the quick, hands-off model.  Clients pay you (i.e., your white-label provider) to set up their Facebook Ads account, implement pixels, and connect their CRM, and then they’re left to run campaigns on their own. Often this isn’t effective because business owners aren’t ads experts.

→ Do It For Me (DIFM): Do It For Me is where you connect your clients with your white-label Facebook Ads management team directly and then step away without being involved in the daily management of the account. This is great when you have A+ providers and you’re confident in the quality of their work, but it can go sideways fast if the white-label provider messes up, tainting your reputation.

→ Do It With Me (DIWM): In this model, the white-label Facebook Ads management provider works closely with you and your team to leverage knowledge of your clients’ businesses. You’ll be more involved than with the Do It For Me model—giving feedback, crafting ad ideas, optimizing accounts—but the end results are often the most effective, as they combine your team’s expertise with the knowledge of the white-label provider.

My two cents? I prefer the Do It With Me model the most, as DIY usually results in high client turnover and Do It For Me is risky when you’re dealing with new providers who don’t know your customers yet. That said, I’ve seen all three work. Do what floats your boat.

What mistakes should you avoid with white-label Facebook Ads management?

white label fb ads mistakes

Mistakes made by white-label fb Ads services providers are unfortunately common and incredibly cringy. Here are the most common ones you want to avoid.

→ Choosing a Facebook provider who doesn’t know your market. The most common mistake I’ve seen is going with a provider who doesn’t know your audience, which leads to embarrassing errors. I’ve seen social posts promoting off-season products, referencing incorrect holidays, tagging the wrong local influencers, and worse.

 Thinking virtual assistants can handle everything. VAs are good at many things, but full-blown white-label Facebook Ads management is expecting too much. Instead, use virtual assistants to scale repeatable processes and fill in the admin or content creation gaps of your own team.

→ Selecting an incorrect delivery model. Choosing the wrong delivery model is a deadly mistake. DIY products can lead to high client churn and I’d generally avoid them. Do It For Me and Do It With Me models both work well, but if your clients need a lot of assistance or local market knowledge is required, Do It With Me is likely the better choice.

 Not charging enough. Make sure you account for all the time it takes to coordinate the services with your white-label providers and try baking in at least 40-50% margins.

→ Bad reporting. What good is executing stellar white-label Facebook Ads campaigns if the reporting stinks and the client doesn’t see value? Always maintain open lines of communication and be transparent about the good, bad, and ugly.

Recommendation: Best white-label Facebook Ads management providers

I can personally vouch for Ankita Mankotia’s team because I’ve seen first-hand how hard they work. specialize in FB Ad campaigns ranging from $500 – $50k+ in monthly spend, and I cater to a work variety of sectors – Realtors, Mortgage, Solar, Med Spas, Dental, HVAC, Docs, Chiros, Home Services, and many others…Ready to accelerate your growth with White Label Facebook Ads Expert? Let’s get started!