If advertisement and marketing is all about getting to the masses and its all about the numbers, then there is no better platform out there than Facebook.
With nearly 3 billion users and an active user base of nearly 2 billion users per day, Facebook is an absolute marketing behemoth that you can use to your advantage, whether you are a dentist yourself or have just been handled a case of marketing for dentists.
Either way, the thing that you will primarily be dealing with would be Dentists facebook ads, and this is what our main topic of discussion will be.
So, let’s get into it; what are dentist Facebook ads and how do you do dental marketing.
Let’s start with a little overview: With nearly half of the world’s population on it, Facebook is a platform that is a marketer’s paradise. Nearly everything is on it: from healthcare to products, you can see adverts for it on Facebook.
So how do you market dentists on Facebook?
Well, that’s the trick: Dentist Facebook ads aren’t all that very common, and the simple matter of fact is this: nobody searches for dentists on Facebook, that’s what Google is there for.
But that’s not to say that Facebook adverts don’t work for dentists. They do, and a lot of the time, you will get a very good return on investment (RoI) if you opt for Facebook adverts for dentists.
Because Facebook is an equally engaging platform and people will interact with your business once they see your advert. Its just a matter of how good your adverts are and how good your targeting is.
Why Facebook Ads For Dentists Are Important?

So, most of the time, the main question is going to be: why dentists Facebook ads? As we know, when anybody wants to search up anything, Google is the place you would want to go.
However, as we will see later as we proceed, Facebook adverts are something that can turn your dental practice into a lead bazaar. Let’s look at the answer to why Dentists Facebook ads are important.
1. Precision / Accuracy:
With adverts, your main goal is to show up in front of the right person at the right time. Otherwise, your advert is not going to be any good, showing up in front of a person who might have a traumatic dentist experience beforehand.
Just kidding, but you can understand the importance of accuracy. Well, it just so happens that Facebook boasts some incredible accuracy and precision in its advert marketing.
Just go to Facebook Ads Manager and you’ll have to input the audience and the behavioral data of the target you want to tap, and Facebook adverts will do it for you. Incredibly accurate.
2. Exploring New Markets / Audiences:
Facebook has an incredibly diverse user base, and you can get all sorts of people on there. Facebook also has a very feature-rich and detail-intensive targeting system, so any particulars you put in there, you are going to nail them.
Therefore, with Facebook marketing, and especially dentist adverts on Facebook, you will explore new markets and new audiences, potential entrants to your dentist adverts list.
3. Very Cost-Effective:
Lastly, Facebook ads for dentists is very cost-effective, considering that Facebook adverts cost less than conventional marketing, and are at par with Google’s PPC (pay-per-click) prices, but with added advantages of targeted distribution and accurate advertisement placement as well.
So, dollar-for-dollar, Facebook marketing for dentists is the most cost-effective option out there, when you take into consideration Facebook’s excellent targeting algorithm and its track record of advertisement that’s accurate down to the person.

4. Widespread Range:
As we’ve stated beforehand, Facebook’s main point of attraction is the fact that it hosts a whopping 2.8 billion users. That is quite a big market.
Of course, your advert won’t show up in the feed of a user who’s 500 miles away from you, but within a specific range, you can be sure that every person who is on Facebook and uses it, will be shown the advert.
So, not just the range, but also the fact that within a vicinity, Facebook will accurately target and run adverts based on your identified target audience.

5. Good ROI:
Return-on-investment is what is sought when we go for a latent process such as marketing. For instance, if you were to spend a grand on marketing, you’d at least want two grand in revenue generated as a result of that.
In that context, Facebook marketing is the best: you don’t spend too much to begin with, as Facebook adverts are very cost-effective as established beforehand.
Plus, the lead generation off of Facebook is pretty impressive, so we are looking at an RoI that will certainly bring about substantial growth in your dental practice in a matter of weeks.
Digital marketing in general seems to have replaced conventional marketing; forget radio and newspapers, TV adverts are gradually going out of style.
Because the huge impact and the targeted delivery of digital marketing is something that’s not to be missed, services like dentists and repairmen or even handymen are now using targeted marketing techniques to advertise and market their services on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and other social media websites to ensure that whenever you need such a service, you contact them.
Facebook advertising for dentists is no different; when you need a dentist, dental Facebook marketing will have already convinced you to go for that happy dentist that seems to give out a jawbreaker after every visit.
Setting Up Facebook Ads For Dental Practices

So, if you’re convinced that dentist Facebook adverts are what your practice needs right now, lets get into the more interesting and useful part of this topic: setting up Facebook adverts for dental practices and some dos and don’ts of dental Facebook adverts.
Remember: adverts only take you so far as your imagination. As the internet is a bastion of freedom, you can risk letting loose your imagination and just going with the first billion-dollar idea or pitch you get into, albeit with a little planning.
Setting up Facebook adverts is a process which involves quite a lot of tasks to do, so we’ll run you through all of them so it gets easy. Let’s get started.
1. Starting With the Accounts:
You have two options: Either you can link your business to your personal account, or get a business account and a page.
We’d suggest going with the latter one, as having a business account opens up a lot of other options and allows for you to create a business page as well.
It also gives you access to your advert dashboard on Facebook, which is a tool that helps you monitor all the relevant statistics for your Facebook marketing campaign.
2. Business Page:
This will be the centerpiece of your entire Facebook adverts marketing strategy. This will be the informational page, doubling as a dissemination Centre from where you will share posts and interact with potential customers.
Making a page is easy; slap your practice’s name on the page, choose some pictures that go good with the page, write a nice description and start posting and promoting your page.
The more likes, the more engagement, the more potential leads you are going to get.
3. Landing Page (Website):
Once the people click on your Facebook advert, they will be directed to your website or your landing page, so now you understand why it is called a landing page.
Anyways, the landing page needs to be simple in layout, attractive and easy to understand so a person looking for an appointment does not have to surf much to look for an appointment button.
This landing page should essentially follow a theme or be related to the adverts on Facebook so people can know that they were redirected to the right website or landing page, and aren’t on some other page.
Lastly, it should have a CTA (call-to-action), which prompts the person to take steps towards completing a business transaction.
The mmc team offers a wide range of services for dental websites, from design and development to SEO and content creation. Their team of experts will work with you to create a custom- tailored solution that meets your specific needs and budget.
4. Facebook Business Account Manager:
One of the most important tools in play here, Facebook Business Account Manager helps you collate and view data in one single, convenient dashboard. This is also where you can set up your Ad Manager account, and start managing your campaign and its particulars.
Just fill out the information that’s asked, and register yourself as a dental practice business. Then, you will have successfully completed the setting up phase.
Now we will talk about Facebook advertising for dentists and how you can ensure you’re your Facebook adverts stand out from the rest and get you the numbers that you want for your dental practice.
Dentist Facebook Adverts: The Do’s and Don’ts

A prerequisite for adverts is that they need to be creative, engaging and should be able to attract the attention of the people who look at them.
With time, this is getting more and more difficult; as attention spans decrease and more firms and pages compete for likes and views, you have to be Uber creative to stand out and actually get the consumer to interact with your advert.
So, here are a few tips that you should keep in mind to ensure that your adverts become the best and are easy to recognize and interact with by the customers.
1. Be Creative With Your Facebook ads for Dentists
The first thing to keep in mind, not just for dentist Facebook adverts but also generally in marketing, is how much creative you get will eventually translate into how much engagement you want.
With TV, radio or newspaper adverts, you get a whole slew of rules and regulations while advertising. With digital marketing, there are only a few basic things to keep in mind and the rest is defined by your creativity.
To attract a user’s attention on a content-laden platform such as Facebook, you need to be very creative and think out of the box.
Use visuals and copywriting to your advantage to create an advert that jumps out at the user (in a positive manner) and convinces them to click on it.
2. Use Facebook Posts To Your Advantage
Aside from actively marketing on Facebook with dental adverts and whatnot, there is another passive way to ensure that people keep interacting with your page and eventually your service.
As marketing goes, any post that you upload from the business account will be shown to every subscriber or follower that you have; this is an excellent marketing opportunity that you should avail.
Building following by uploading pictures of your staff and yourself partaking in fun activities, intimating any discounts or offers you may have via a fun post or infographic can be a great way for some passive marketing via Facebook posts.
This will ensure that people keep interacting with your posts and this keeps bringing in traffic, as eventually people will visit your website and the adverts will subconsciously help them in moving towards your practice when in need of a dentist.
3. Budget According To Your Goals
Facebook being a cost-effective marketing measure, many people make the mistake of running amok with the costs and the budgeting of the Facebook marketing plan.
This is a definite don’t, as not only will this reduce the efficacy of the marketing, but will also balloon and inflate your overall cost of the plan.
Which is why it is usually advised to start slow, with many even suggesting to start with $1, which Facebook turns into engagement for 4000 users, which is pretty nifty.
Either way, it is good to budget according to your goals, and what you plan to achieve with your Facebook marketing for dental strategy.
4. Strategies Your Campaign By Making a Campaign Structure
Your strategy and the way it plays out in the real world will ultimately define how successful you are with your Facebook dental adverts.
Making a strategy might be easy, especially if you have prior experience in the corporate sector, but that fact is, that strategizing needs to be a structured attempt, one that follows a basic pattern and delves into the most intimate details of the entire plan.
For instance, for your dentist Facebook ads, you need to plan out how the overall goal works out.
If your goal is eventually driving more traffic to your website from Facebook, you will need two subsets of strategies to ensure that the goal is achieved:
The first subset will have you segregating parts of the audience on how to approach them and how to convince them, whereas the last subset will actually deal with the dental Facebook adverts and what ad copywrite needs to be done to attract said segments of the audience.
5. Use different Ad Types and Write-ups For Maximum Coverage
With a platform as vibrant as Facebook and as crowded with adverts and posts leveraging attention, your dental advert needs to stand out.
Remember when we talked about how your entire strategy should be a multi-level strategy? So there needs to be a minimum of two or three adverts and write-ups for each segment of the audience that you intend to attract.
That is because the same advert over and over again tends to bum out a person, and that is the last thing you would want to do to a potential member of the audience.
Therefore, in addition to being creative and attention-grabbing, try making at least two or three adverts for one segment, or go for a carousel post, as it will increase the range with which your audience will engage.
It also helps you to integrate any new offers you might have into the adverts, as it will drive traffic even more.
Tracking Your progress: RoI on Dental Facebook Adverts

As stated beforehand, ROI on Facebook ads for dentists is incredible; it is one of the most cost-effective platforms out there, and adverts on Facebook tend to garner a lot of views and attention against the price which Facebook deducts from you.
Therefore, ROI on your dental Facebook adverts is something that you will be pleased with.
But tracking it is an entirely different matter, and as discussed beforehand, you will need some metrics and some tools which are provided by Facebook itself.
Let’s dig deeper and understand how you can track the progress of your Facebook advertising for dentists.
For starters, we will discuss Facebook’s business manager, very aptly named Meta Business Suite, now that we are going to be living in the Metaverse pretty soon.
- Meta Business Suite: Formerly known as Facebook Business Manager, Meta Business Suite allows you to view and manage many different metrics about your business pages, and through its Ads Manager Tool, which we will discuss in detail shortly, you can also view and monitor different metrics about your adverts that you’ve run.
In our case of dental Facebook marketing, we will have to connect our dental Facebook page and an account to the Meta Business Suite and then register with the Ads Manager Tool.
Now, setting up Meta Business Suite has been explained beforehand, and it is relatively easy. All you have to do is make your business account and page, and connect it with the Meta Business Suite, and you’re all set.
Meta Business Suite will do all the hard work for you, compiling and showing you the data in a really easy, manageable way where you can monitor all the metrics you want about your business page.
- Setting up Ads Manager Tool: Ads Manager Tool allows you to make and dictate various aspects of your dental adverts for Facebook, including setting up a demographic group or an audience to target, among others.
Setting up is easy; since its included in the Meta Business Suite, all you have to do is access the latter and enter your information in the Ads Manager Tool; this will connect your business to the tool and you will be able to set up different metrics for your adverts from on there. The same goes for our dental Facebook adverts.
Some Tips For Getting the Most Out of Facebook Ads for Dentists

Before we move on to the conclusion, we’d like to leave you with some tips that ought to help you in your way into becoming the aficionado of dental Facebook marketing.
Let’s get into them.
- Your Adverts Should Be Stylized As Per the Audience
The first tip is something that even some seasoned advert marketing veterans forget to do.
Stylizing your Facebook dental adverts in order to cater to the specific audience that you’re intending to reach.
What most people do, is that they invest so much time into the graphics and the pictorial part, that the advert copywrite reads a bit lackluster, and sometimes falls entirely out of context, like pitching skateboards to an audience of retirement home.
Therefore, you should pay attention to the copywrite, as it should be able to attract the attention of your intended audience even without supporting visuals; try using relatable language, for one. It always helps.
- Adverts Should Be Reflective of the Current Trends
Facebook is the place where trends of the day are born; and your adverts should take advantage of it.
Dental Facebook marketing ought not to be about dentistry, it should be more about the customer themselves.
And it should do so while in touch with the cultural trends of the time and should be able to connect it to what the meme of the day is, or if you’re going for a video or a GIF, should be something that is culturally trendy and makes you look like you’re in tune with the times, and not an out-of-place dinosaur.
To conclude, getting 10 times the client isn’t all that very difficult, and Facebook ads for dentists can help you get even more than that.
As a powerful tool, dental Facebook ads can either make or break a business, and your strategy, your approach and how you decide to formulate these adverts will determine how much Facebook dental marketing works in your favor.
Follow what this article states and you will definitely see an incremental gain in your customers, not to mention all that positive publicity among many other things.
I hope you find this post helpful. If you want to start your Fb dental ads, Feel free to contact us. we are always ready to help you!